Chapter 4: Animal Classification
Important features like symmetry, body organisation, coelom, segentation, germ layers, notochord
Phylum porifera - pores, canal system, spongin fibres/spicules , ostia, osculum, asyymetric, cellular level
Phylum Coelenterata- Coelenteron ( gastric cavity), cnidoblasts, nematocytes, polyp/ medusae, metagenesis, radial symmetry, tissue level
Phylum ctenophora- comb plates, bioluminiscence, radial symmetry
Phylum platyhelminthes- Dorso ventrally flattened, flame cells for excretion, acoelomate, organ /organ system level
Phylum Ascelminthes- Pseudocoelomate,
Phylum Annelida- metameric segmentation( ringed appearance), parapodia, mephredia
Phylum Arthropoda- Jointed appendages, chitinous exoskeleton, Open circulatory system, malphigian tubules,
Phylum Moolusca- Soft bodied, shell, no segmentation,Body with head, visceral hump, foot; mantle, radula,
Phylum Echinodermata- spiny skinned, endoskeleton of calcerous occicles, radial symmetry in adult, bilateral in larva, water vascular system with tubefeet.
Phylum hemichordata- body has proboscis, collar, trunk... Proboscis glandfor excretion
Phylum Chordata- Sub phylum Urochordata- notochord in larval tail
Sub phylum Cepahlochordata- notochord from head to tail throughout life
Subphylum- vertebrata- Notochord replaced by vertebral column.
Vertebrata- Division Agnatha- jawless .. Class cyclostomata- sucking circular mouth without jaw , no scales, cranium and vertebral column cartilaginous. Show Migration
Division Gnathostomata- With jaws.
Super class pisces
Class chondrichthyes- cartilagenous marine fishes
class Osteichthyes- bony freshwater fishes
Superclass tetrapoda-
Class Amphibia-
Class Reptilia,
Class aves
Class mammalia
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Euspongia( porifera) |
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Obelia ( budding) |
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obelia- life cycle( coelenterata) |
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comb jellies( ctenophora) |
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tapeworm protruding from cat anus ( platyhelminthes) |
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parapodia and setae( Annelida) |
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earthworm ( annelida) |
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Mollusca |
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Star fish (Echinoderm) |
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Hemichordata |
Important fetures of chordates- notochord
dorsal hollow single nerve cord
paired pharyngeal gill slits
post anal tail
Ventral heart
Diagram of a chordate characteristics.
Differences between chordates and non chordates,
Why do we say that all chordates are vertebrates but all chordates are not vertebrates.
Characteristic features. examples